Factorio calculator
Factorio calculator

factorio calculator

factorio calculator

(day + dawn) × (night + dawn × (day + dawn) / game_day) / game_day


In vanilla factorio, without mods which change any of these values, the optimal ratio will be the same. There are also times between day and night called dusk and dawn which complicate the calculations. These include the power generation of a solar panel, the energy storage of an accumulator, the length of a day, and the length of a night. The optimal ratio of accumulators per solar panel relies on many values in the game. This is taken from Accumulator / Solar Panel Ratio (which calculates this in an impressive mathematical way!) and another post in that thread (which calculates the solar panel to megawatt ratio in a different way).Ī small 9x9 setup demonstrating the 20:24 "close enough" ratio above. This means that you need 1.428 MW of production (of solar panels) and 100MJ of storage to provide 1 MW of power over one day-night cycle.Ī "close enough" ratio is 20:24:1 accumulators to solar panels to megawatts required (for example, a factory requiring 10 MW can be approximately entirely powered, day and night, by 200 accumulators and 240 solar panels - this approximation differs from optimal only in that it calls for 20 extra solar panels, which is negligible but remember that the difference between the "close enough" ratio and the optimal ratio increases as you add more solar panels). The optimal ratio is 0.84 (21:25) accumulators per solar panel, and 23.8 solar panels per megawatt required by your factory (this ratio accounts for solar panels needed to charge the accumulators). A possible setup Solar panels and accumulators Optimal ratio

Factorio calculator